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Campus Door Access Using Your TitanCard

Your TitanCard is also your key to access many spaces on campus.   To use the TitanCard you would either swipe or tap your card depending on the type of door lock installed and if you have access to that location, then access is granted.  To gain access to specific spaces you would either need to book the location or contact the appropriate admin to gain access.  

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swipe accessSome door access locks use the magnetic stripe on your TitanCard for entry. To gain access, simply swipe your card through the designated reader.

Swipe Access Troubleshooting

  • Check Operating Hours:  Ensure the space you are trying to access is within its designated operating hours, as access may be restricted outside of these times.
    •  If you left items in a space that is now locked, please contact University Police at 657-278-2515 for assistance.
  • Correct Card Orientation:  Ensure your card is facing the correct direction for the mag stripe to be read properly by the reader.
  • Swipe Straight:  Swipe your card in a straight line, not at an angle, to ensure proper detection.
  • Swipe with Medium Speed:  Swipe your card at a steady pace – neither too slow nor too fast – for optimal performance.


tap accessCertain door access locks use the embedded chip on your TitanCard. To gain entry, simply tap your card on the reader.

Tap Access Troubleshooting

  • Check Operating Hours:  Ensure the space you are trying to access is within its designated operating hours, as access may be restricted outside of these times.
    • If you left items in a space that is now locked, please contact University Police at 657-278-2515 for assistance.
  • RFID Protection in Wallets:  Some wallets or card holders contain RFID protection, which can interfere with the reader's signal.
    • Remove your TitanCard from your wallet or card holder and tap it directly onto the reader.
  • Avoid Using Multiple Cards:  Attempting to use multiple cards at once may cause the reader to pick up conflicting information, preventing access.
    • We recommend removing your TitanCard from other cards or electronic devices and tapping it separately on the reader
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Helpful Tips

If you're having difficulty accessing an area but are certain you have the appropriate permissions, follow the tips below to troubleshoot:

Dual Authentication

Dual authentication is also known as two-factor authentication (2FA), which enhances security by requiring two different forms of identification before granting access. In this case, the TitanCard serves as something you have (a physical card), and the PIN code serves as something you know (a secret number). This combination helps to ensure that only authorized individuals can access certain areas, providing an additional layer of protection.  Certain areas may require both a swipe or tap of your TitanCard, along with a pin code, for entry.


Holiday Schedule

Most locations follow a holiday schedule and may be closed on certain holidays.  This can include public holidays such as New Year's Day, Independence Day, Christmas, and others. It's always a good idea to check the campus holiday schedule if you plan to visit around these times.


Lost or Stolen Cards

  • If your TitanCard is lost or stolen, report it immediately to temporarily disable access.


New TitanCard

  • new Titancard imageOnce you receive a new TitanCard, all access will be transferred to your new card, and the access will be removed from the old card.
    • If you locate your old TitanCard, it will no longer grant access.
    • Please return any old TitanCards to the TitanCard Office for proper disposal.

Virtual TitanCard

Please note that the virtual TitanCard is not currently supported for door access.

Additional information

For access issues to a location work with your department or email

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